How to Make A Chicken Coop Out of A Carport

There are numerous ways that our carports can be put into use. One of the most creative ones is the animal shelter and, in this case, the chicken coop. A carport chicken coop is a carport that has been turned into a coop.

This involves the construction of new designs and materials to the original carport. DIY carport structures are mostly preferred by many people who we have worked with. Coming up with a carport coop can be done in two ways:  - The DIY (do it yourself)  -The turnkey ways

Turning a Carport into a Chicken Coop

1. Once the old carport is in place, dig out the dirt under the metal carport while taking it out. Get some sand to cover up for the dirt removed.

2. On each side of the carport and the back of it, install the siding and paint it with the preferred color paint. You can also prefer to install the wire at the sides, which also runs to the front of the coop. Wire ensures that there is more airflow within the coop. 

3. Install the door. Most open-air chicken coops do not need windows, so, you can forego the need for one. 

Turning a Carport into a Chicken Coop

4. Electricity or power is essential to the coop. Power will be very fundamental in lighting up the coop.

5. Install the roost, the feeding trough or feeders, and waterers

6. Depending on the size of your carport, add a small storage facility for chicken feeds and essential equipment used in feeding the chicken and cleaning. Sprayed chemicals and drugs are among other things that can be stored in the facility. If your carport is not big enough, consider having a lean-to structure. 

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